SSIC Military Personnel // Deleted. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (SHORT TITLE: PES). mco · PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM · PES. This Order revises the policies, procedures, and standards for the operation and maintenance of the Marine Corps Performance Evaluation System (PES). 8 May R Z MAY 18MARADMIN /18MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM//SUBJ/REVISION OF MCO
Mar 13, 2015 r 131035z mar 15 maradmin 128/15 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc mra mm// subj/revision of mco p1610.7f performance evaluation system manual (pes manual)//. Within these profiles, the report average and the relative value of the highlighted reports is also exactly the same. Reports with a relative value usmc pes manual These usmc pes manual generally cannot be verified without referencing the distribution they summarize, which in this case is the RS profile.
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Next, the report average for the highest report the one with a value usmc pes manual is subtracted from the average of the report averages the number that represents a value of To convert report averages into relative values takes several steps, and it will probably help to review Figure 1 as we walk through them. To reach the official USMC website, please go to www.
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Miscalculating Performance | Marine Corps Association
usmc pes manual Figure 2 shows just how poorly relative values sometimes capture relative performance. Prior Research Arlington, VA: Except by chance, usmc pes manual relative values cannot be maual interpreted without referencing the RS profiles from which they are derived.
We requested data from Records and Performance Branch MMRP to do our own analysis, but they did not have the resources to support our request. When a RS has written only three reports, it is possible for the smallest change in one attribute mark to be the only difference between a report with a relative value of and one with an 85 top third versus bottom third.
Usmc pes manual numbers on the far left are fitness report averages; those on the far right are relative values. Figure 1 provides an overview of how relative values are calculated for a more complete usc, see the short appendix at the end of this article.
This distance is then duplicated below 90, producing a symmetrical scale from 80 to Each dot represents one usmc pes manual report in the RS profile.
Of course, this mannual there are no Marines in the bottom third in profile four. Then we show both why relative values cannot be properly interpreted with the tools selection boards currently use and how to correct manuap problem.
Exactly usmc pes manual much influence relative values have varies from board to board they appear to have been less influential on the staff sergeant board discussed above, for examplebut they are important more often than not. Following some concluding remarks, we include a short appendix that presents the mathematical equation for relative value and provides a detailed explanation of how the number is calculated.
However, we caution the reader that none of these studies is free of errors. The only exception is when all the reports in a profile have the same average, in which case all are assigned a value of The size of the effect usmc pes manual to vary substantially with rank.
How relative usmc pes manual work, and why the Marine Corps should stop using them. Every observed fitness report has a numerical average based on the values of the attribute marks in the report.
This happens when changing a single mark can produce a tie with either of the other two reports in the RS profile—a situation not unlikely when an RS has written multiple reports on the same Usmc pes manual or has multiple Marines with similar performance. Volume 99, Issue They do not count toward the total of three observed reports or receive relative values see PES Manual, These numbers are added together and then divided by the total number of observed attributes to get the usmc pes manual average, which will always fall somewhere between one and seven.
The figure shows four possible RS profiles, each of which has the same profile average and the same highest report. Within these profiles, the report average and the relative value of the highlighted reports is also exactly the same.
After-action surveys from the Fiscal Year Sergeant Major Through Master Sergeant Selection Board and the Fiscal Year Staff Sergeant Selection Usmc pes manual reveal that a large majority of board members thought relative values were of equal or greater importance than the narrative comments in a fitness report in part because most narrative comments have to be neutral or positive or the report will be rendered adverse.
For example, an RS may usmc pes manual had one good Marine and several average Marines, or one bad Marine and several excellent ones, or several very similar Marines, or four very good ones and two very bad ones, or some similar combination. Note that even though each highlighted report in Figure 2 falls in a different place in each RS profile, they will all be in the middle third from the point of view of a usmc pes manual board.
When this happens, the system automatically changes the relative value to 80 this means several reports toward the bottom of the profile may be assigned a relative value of 80 even if they are not the lowest-ranked report in the profile. Until the Marine Corps comes around to this view, we strongly recommend RSs track their profile carefully usmc pes manual write reports to achieve a specific relative value, since it is the only way for an RS to ensure that a selection board will accurately interpret their evaluation.
We only have space to review a few of the problems with relative values here.
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These assumptions generally cannot be verified without referencing the distribution they summarize, which in this case is usmc pes manual RS profile. Consistently high relative values do not guarantee a Marine will be retained or promoted, nor manjal consistently low relative values guarantee a short career.
Mco P1610.7f
Put simply, Marines intuitively understand the RS profile and ranking usmc pes manual a way they do not understand relative values, which increases the odds kanual fitness reports usmc pes manual be interpreted with due skepticism by selection boards. For the relative value to be a reliable summary of relative performance, RSs must have observed a mix of strong and weak performers, and those Marines must be split symmetrically on either side of the profile average.
Past board members we talked to have seen Marines with very high relative values get passed over and Marines with comparatively low relative values selected with enthusiasm. If they did, selection boards would actively consult RS profiles during ussmc deliberations, usmc pes manual that is the only way to make the number useful in the way the Marine Corps wants it to be. The use of relative values therefore increases the odds that selection boards will make mistakes, and the Marine Corps should abandon them in favor of simpler metrics.
These reports suggest very different relative performance, but since these two profiles have usmc pes manual the same summary statistics, usmc pes manual are indistinguishable on a master brief sheet.
Earlier versions of the TBS student handout contain the same information.