- Bounty Hunter Tracker Iv Metal Detector
- Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 User Manual Free
- Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 User Manual Download
- Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 Instructions
- Gold Century Super Eagle
View and Download Bounty Hunter Tracker IV owner's manual online. Tracker IV Metal Detector pdf manual download. Jun 28, 2014 With the Tracker IV set in this manner you will be running this machine as 'hot' as possible for the area you are hunting in and in manner where the Tracker IV will reject junk iron targets.
Avg. Durability: 4.73
Avg. Ease of use: 4.82
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Good machine finds stuff well made bad points no control box cover coil ishard wired for 35 pound more a coinmaster or garrett can be bought withinterchangeable coils and accessories made for them.Max Depth: 7 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? No, not really.
Jake from Scotland
All terrain detector
The device is usable on all kinds of different terrains. If one happens tobe in a crowded place, well, it also comes equipped with ¼ inch jack forheadphones.Max Depth: 8 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Marie Decker (at)Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector from United States
If it beeps it's doing the job
I have owned the Tracker iv for about 3 years now and every time I go outI'm impressed. Don't be fooled by the simplicity in this machine! Thediscrimination is a bit rough, but having owned other detectors it works aswell or better than the others. Sensitivity is awesome. I've dug quartersat 12+ inches on wet fresh water beach. I've also used it in the water(coilonly) and it worked just as well as dry land.So far to date I'vefound: 2 Indian head pennies, 2 mercury dimes, a silver Roosevelt,uncounted clad, fishing lures, countless relics and other odds and ends.Point being every year I consider a new detector and this one keeps onproducing. Worth every penny!!
Max Depth: 14 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Lucas from Sturgeon Bay Wi
Great starter machine
Although I no longer use my Tracker IV, it was my first 'real' metaldetector. I picked mine up for 30 bucks on Craigslist and it was money verywell spent. I will never regret my purchase one bit. It paid for itselfwithin the first hour because I found a 10K wedding band right out of thegate at an old ball field.At the time, I knew NOTHING about metaldetecting and this was the perfect starter machine for me. It's simple,lightweight and very easy to learn, understand and operate.
Thisis NOT a high end machine but for what it is, it's a great, capable andreliable machine. It has two audio tone target ID, two hunting modes, allmetal and disc, as well as very adequate discrimination and sensitivityadjustments. It's quite functional. I usually run it in disc mode with thediscrimination set around 11-12 O'clock to knock out iron but retainnickels and GOLD (and of course, pull tabs but hey, if you want to findgold you have to dig nickels and trash with any detector).
Thetrick with this machine is to first READ THE MANUAL and do the air tests soyou can get a clear understanding of how the controls work and what themachine is telling you about different targets. Then, get out there andpractice. Learn the language it speaks and in no time you'll know what todig and not dig based on the tones it makes (most of the time).
You'll have to learn to pinpoint with it but once you get thehang of it, it's easy. I also highly recommend getting a decent diggingtool and a hand held pinpointer to locate you target once you dig the hole.Again, this all gets easier with practice. If you have kids who hunt withyou, the Tracker IV is the perfect detector. It's simple, lightweight, easyto master and FINDS TREASURE.
Although it's considered a'starter'/entry level unit, I can honestly and unequivocally state that myTracker IV taught me the very basics of metal detecting and taught me well.It also found numerous silver coins. One was a silver Rosie at about 9inches down in red clay. For some reason, my Bounty Hunter machines hitmuch deeper than normal in red clay. I would say the average depth with theTracker IV is around 4-6 inches. It also found an 1886 Indian Head Centhidden under a bunch of pull tabs, two gold rings, a silver ring, numerousfake/plated rings and at least a thousand clad coins before I upgraded. (Ialso dug a ton of trash along the way but that comes with the territory).
Overall, this is a great entry level detector for anyone and anexcellent machine to introduce kids to the hobby with. It's not anexpensive machine at all and you can pick up the Tracker IV prettyregularly on Craigslist and Ebay at really low prices. I've seen them aslow as 25.00 and as high as 125.00. It's a great detecting training devicefor anyone too. If you learn this machine well and learn it's language youwill reach a point where you'll intuitively know what it's telling you bythe tones it makes. You'll have a pretty good idea of what to dig and notto dig. If you have good spots it will find the goods. No machine can findwhat isn't under the coil no matter how much you pay for it. It won't hitas deep as higher end machines but sometimes you do get lucky if the soiland target conditions are just right. I know mine surprised me more than afew times.
Also, if you get truly serious about this hobby, youWILL outgrow this machine and want something more advanced just as I did(I'm on my 4th detector). Then again, if you find you don't really likebeing outdoors and digging in the dirt on a regular basis, you won't be outa ton of money and you can always keep it around to find lost keys,jewelry, etc. If you have kids, this machine will definitely entertain themfor hours on end as well as help them find buried treasure. I don't believethere are too many kids out there who haven't dreamed of digging buriedtreasure at one time or another. If your kids are like mine, the Tracker IVwill be a great machine for them. If you're new to the world of metaldetecting, it's may be a great, fun machine for you as well.
Icannot give this unit a 5 star rating compared to every available metaldetector, but for what it is and what it is designed to do, I candefinitely recommend it and give it a solid 4 star rating across the board.Happy Hunting
Max Depth: 6 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
RJ from Granite, MD
My ist day
Bounty Hunter Tracker Iv Metal Detector
Well my cousin talk me into getting a metal detector he suggested theBounty Hunter IV. I went out today and after a about 20 minutes I found a 8inch spike 4 inches down then I found a pull tab, but my next find was 23cents and after that a old .243 hull. Not a big treasure but for me to getsome extra exercise this lil baby is gonna be fun. I can't wait to get outtomorrow and see what I can find.Max Depth: 6 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Joe from South dakota
You get what you pay for!
Save your money and buy a better detector. Better equipment = moretreasure, which = more coin in your pocket! You see, full circle! Jus' my 2cents!Overall Rating
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Slim Shady from Ottawa Ks
A nice surprise.
I purchased the Tracker 4 based on the numerous good reviews, and the factthat, apparently for the money you won't get better. I have used the Vallonmetal detector in Afghanistan hunting for IED's so I know what performanceis.( a strange transition I know). Anyway back in civvi street!The Bounty Hunter did not disappoint, straight out the box Idialed in the recommended settings from the manual and went into thegarden, found 12 pence and an old saddlers badge.
My next test groundwas the beach down the road, on wet, black sand, I needed to stay off theall metal setting and use tone with sens at 4 o'clock and disc at 12, thisstopped any false readings and quickly hunted out a Celtic style ring fromsome rocks. T
he next day I hit the same beach and found 2 tentpegs and £2.71 in change. The only negatives I heard when originallyresearching the BH was that the depth wasn't that good, well it pulled outa WW2 copper pin badge smaller than a 5 pence piece, from wet sand ataround 6 inches, to some that may not sound great but lets not forget itcosts £125 in the UK and even less in the states, and to be honest no onewants to be digging for 10 mins on every ring pull that's a foot down.
The BH does feel very light and almost cheap, but don't befooled, it is very robust and sturdy. Every time I think to myself that theBH is too much of an 'amateur' machine and I would be better off with aMinelab or similar, I take it down the beach and it never fails to deliverand maintains my faith in the machine time and time again.
As fordetecting on land this thing will pull iron relics at over a foot, I had anancient spoon handle and a strange lead/ gold token in my local woods ataround 5 inches on all metal mode. To conclude, if you have any doubts justgo for it, the machine will pay for itself soon enough.
Max Depth: 6 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Johnny from Scotland
Ok for the price
I bought the Bounty Hunter Tracker IV when I decided to get into metaldetecting.The good- quality construction, USA-made, easy to use andnot expensive.
The bad- NO depth with any kind of discrimination, andthe Target Indicator needle is pretty much useless. This detector is goodfor finding shallow clad coinage and recovering dropped metal items. It'salso good for getting the 'feel' for how a metal detector works.
Most of my detecting is focused on finding older items and coinsfrom old house sites. These sites almost always have a high level of trashiron in the ground, so 'all metal' mode (the only way this machine can getany depth) is not useful. If you are looking for deeper, older coins, thismachine is generally not going to find most of them.
Would Irecommend it? It all depends on what you want to do with it. For the price,this is an OK detector, but it just doesn't work for my preferred type ofdetecting. I will be upgrading soon.
Max Depth: 2 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? I have no clue...
Jim from Central PA
The best of the best: b.h. md's
Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 User Manual Free
The Best Machine I have ever used (Bounty Hunter Tracker IV MetalDetector). I have 2 others1.BH Pioneer 101 Metal Detector
2.BHVLF Metal Detector.
I have heard that the Bounty Hunter's (thepoor man's metal detector). For the money Bounty Hunter's I think is thebest!!! I have found countless change, 1c, 5c, 10c, ect. 1.Citizen Watch,ect.
Max Depth: 3 inches on US quarter
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Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
E.J. Templin from Las Vegas, NV.
Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 User Manual Download
Wedding band
I lost my wedding ring (35yrs) while mulching the beds and plantingflowers. I was devastated. Called around and could rent a MD for about $30a day. Hobby Lobby had the Bounty Hunter IV in stock for $100.Purchased it and read the instructions. Went out at nigh with wife andflashlight and hits everywhere but no ring. Next day, I put out a skeletonkey and copper cone. I practiced on sweeping and setting controls. Istarted sweeping the areas. Because I had learned to sweep slowly andsteady, I found it in the mulch bed. Granted is wasn't deep, but it pickedit up near the gas meter. Both wife and I are very happy.
We werethinking about returning it, but now we will keep it for use at the cottageand lake. I give it 5 stars, but probably for the ring I found. Really itsworth 5 stars for light weight, cost and effectiveness. Like my dad used tosay, learn your tools and they will provide perfect work!! Thanks BHIV, yousaved me from heartbreak!
Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 Instructions
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Jim from St. Louis